August 28, 2013

Joshua Richards - Ross/Lord Marshal

Joshua Richards has been on stage with the RSC in previous productions, As You Like It, directed by Greg Doran in 2000 and The Cantebury Tales and Henry V.

Joshua collaborated with writer Mark Jenkins and director Guy Masterson to bring Richard Burton to life in Playing Burton.  The play debuted in 1994 at the Edinburgh Fringe and he also performed the solo show in 1997 and in Adelaide 2008.  They revived the play most recently in 2011.  You can read more about it here.
  Click here to read his full CV.

He is playing two roles in Richard II, Lord Marshal and Lord Ross.

On pain of death, no person be so bold
Or daring-hardy as to touch the lists,
Except the marshal and such officers
Appointed to direct these fair designs. 

My heart is great; but it must break with silence,
Ere't be disburden'd with a liberal tongue.