October 23, 2013

Tennant is Electrifying. - The Times

Tennant triumphs as a born loser destined to lose his hollow crown 

The Times - October 18, 2013 - Dominic Maxwell

"And what Tennant does, brilliantly, is to suggest a man who feels as hollow as his crown. Who play acts at being himself. Who makes bad judgments, such as expelling his cousin Bolingbroke, soon to become Henry IV, that are a weak man's idea of being strong. He is hiding his true sexuality too, to judge by his long kiss with his cousin, Oliver Rix's Aumerle. And when he is trounced by Nigel Lindsay's stocky, gym-teacher-like Bolingbroke, he goes from ruler to martyr. He proffers the crown as if holding out a stick to a dog ("Here, cousin!"). It's electrifying."

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